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Mechanical Engineering

Conducting Research

Starting an engineering research project?  These pages contain information on conducting literature reviews, managing your references, and more.  Some basic resources to get started with include:

  • Journal Finder - UMD's searchable list of online and print journals
  • Database Finder - searchable list of the hundreds of UMD's databases
  • UMD Discover - place to search UMD Library holdings and materials across the world (i.e. the Catalog)
  • InterLibrary Loan - request articles, chapters and books

Also check out the sub-pages in this section to help you get started with:

  • Literature Reviews - an essential part of the research process to find background information for your project
  • Citation Management - organize (and share) your references and set yourself up for publishing your research
  • Documentation and LaTeX - tips on keeping organized, including software such as LaTeX (and how to get started with it)
  • Navigating Publishing - overview of how to find journals for publishing your work, information about Open Access Publishing, and how to be wary of predatory publishing
  • Impact & Metrics - information on the various metrics for articles, journals, and authors: what they mean and how they are calculated