Our print map collection contains approximately 350,000 maps, as well as atlases and map-related reference materials. Most of the maps date to the second half of the 20th century and were published by U.S. government agencies and acquired through the Federal Depository Library Program. The collection covers the the United States and its territories and possessions, and many areas outside of the United States.
The collection also includes map- and geography-related reference materials, such as indexes, cartobibliographies, gazetteers, dictionaries, catalogs, books and periodicals.
The majority of the collection is open access - just come to the 4th floor of McKeldin and start browsing through the drawers! We do ask that you do not reshelve maps after you look at them - leave them out and staff will re-file them.
This collection does not circulate, so items may not be checked out except by special permission.
Pre-1957 topographic maps of the Maryland and DC and Congressional Serial Set maps are in locked cases, but they can be found online.