When we talk about "academic integrity," we frequently think of plagiarism. But what exactly is "plagiarism"? This definition from the University of Oxford sums it up best:
"Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement."
Most of us know that plagiarism is wrong -- it's akin to taking a yummy dessert that your friend made, and then telling the rest of the dinner party that you made it all by yourself. Your friend would, rightfully, be pretty upset that you took credit for what they made.
Most of us don't want to deliberately upset our friends, just like most of us don't want to deliberately plagiarize. So why do we still do it? Sometimes it's pressure from peers or time constraints that makes it seem like copying and pasting would be easier than doing the work ourselves. But other times, we genuinely don't know when something crosses the line into plagiarism. These resources will help explain what constitutes plagiarism, so we can proactively avoid it.
You've already completed step 1 of avoiding plagiarism: understanding what it is. What are some other things you can do to avoid plagiarism?