Citation chasing is the method of using the Works Cited page of your source to help you find additional sources about a research topic.
Credible research does not make up its information. Instead, it uses other sources to help support any claims that are made in the research. If you find an article that is helpful for your research, chances are, there are other articles that would also be helpful for your research.
Citing Backward is the method used to see who is cited by the author of your article. Citing Backward can be a helpful way of figuring out other major works or scholars in your topic. This is a helpful way of finding what has already been said about your topic.
To cite backwards, you can look at the Works Cited page for your source.
You can also use the "Find Articles Cited in This Tool" in UMD Discover to find a list of other resources that are cited in your article.
Citing Forward is the method used to see who is citing your article. Citing Forward can be a helpful way of figuring out other major works or scholars that have built off of this article. This is a helpful way of finding out how this article contributed to the larger scholarly conversation.
To cite forwards, you can use the "Find Articles Citing This" in UMD Discover to find a list of other resources that are cited in your article or Google Scholar's "Cited By" tool.