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BSCV 301: Leadership in a Multicultural Society

Resources for BSCV 301.

Databases - Journal Articles

There are many databases within the Ebscohost platform you can use to locate articles on your topics. 
Academic Search Ultimate is a database everyone can use, regardless of the topic, because it is a multidisciplinary database and covers all subjects.
SocIndex is also a general sociology database everyone can use. 

Add other databases depending on the subject. See the tabs!

To search multiple databases get into Academic Search Ultimate first, then click on - choose databases - and add the others.



Since you are searching multiple databases at once, it is best to filter/limit within results
Limit Date
Limit to Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals or Academic Journals
Language (if needed)

Click on a title, read the abstract, find the fulltext by clicking on the pdf or html link.

Too Many Results? 
Change Select a Field to AB Abstract

Sometimes you will not see a link to the fulltext but will see:

Make sure you click on the link, it is possible we will have the article in fulltext or it might be in print or we might not own the item (then you could request it via Interlibrary Loan (if you have the time, it will take a few days to get a scanned copy)


Ebsco No Link Fulltext

Results from the Find@UMD

Ebsco No Link Fulltext ILL

Ebsco No Link We Do have the full text

The most complete database for environmental articles is not an Ebscohost database. You will need to use the Web of Science database.

The best database for legislation (bills, house/senate committee prints, hearings, crs reports) is not an Ebscohost database. You will need to use the Congressional Publications, a database from  Proquest, a different platform.