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HIST 135 / JWST 289E: Civil Discourse or Urban Riot: Why Cities Don't (Often) Explode

Course guide for hist 135 / jwst 289E

Secondary sources are accounts or analyses written after the fact by historians and other scholars making use of primary sources (and also other secondary sources). 

The main forms of secondary sources are books and journal articles.  Another kind of secondary source is a reference work such as an encyclopedia.    


Starting with secondary sources can sometimes be easier then starting with primary sources. Scholarly books are great secondary sources to use and easy to identify and locate in our catalog, WorldCat.  Books will have references, leading you to primary sources.

Start with keywords:
baltimore riot* 1968
tulsa riot*
new york draft riot*

Read the Description for the Table of Contents and Summary:


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Scholarly journals are another type of great secondary source to use for historical research. Use the following two databases to locate scholarly articles.