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Resources for students and faculty in the College of Education. For consultation or in-class instruction, please contact Tahirah Akbar-Williams (see below) in person or online.

Database Search Techniques

Why Use Databases?

Databases are subscription resources that bring articles from a variety of magazines and/or journals into one place with a sophisticated search engine. Many of the databases allow you to read the entire article online. All databases that UMD Libraries subscribe to can be accessed through Database Finder.

Library Databases vs Search Engines

Click on the video below to watch a tutorial on the differences between a subscription-based library database and a free search engine. It explains when and how to use each. (Access video by clicking the image).


Google Scholar is a special case, a search engine that actually allows you connect to with the library databases. This is great for doing a quick, general search for articles on your topic. For more refined searches, please use the databases listed below on this page. The video below explains how to connect your Google Scholar account to your UMD Libraries account:

For more information on how to do more effective searches, please refer to the tabs above:

  • How to Search
  • Finding Background Information
  • Develop a Search Strategy
  • Searching Tips

You can also search multiple databases at once!

EBSCOhost and ProQuest are platforms that house approximately 60 to 75 databases. In order to get the best search results you should select the databases you need (i.e. if your subject is "education" you would limit your search to education databases) . To do this go to the top of the database homepage and look for the terms All databases, Change databases, or Choose databases. See examples and video tutorial below.

For ProQuest:

For EBSCOhost:



What if there is no full text?

Don't panic!  You have several options:

Finding Background Information

Start your research by exploring the following resources:


UMD Discover

Ultimate Search Complete
              University of Maryland Libraries Logo
Google Scholar UMD Libraries Databases


Tips for Organizing Your Research

Visit our Research Commons' Site for creative and practical suggestions.

Searching Strategies

Choosing your search topic can be a difficult process - it is important to pick a topic that is not so narrow that little if anything has been written about it, yet it is also important to pick a topic that is not so broad that there is too much information and it is impossible to develop a coherent and focused thesis.

Let's say that ....


1. Divide your research question into concepts and connect them with the Boolean operator AND.

  •  smoking AND youth

2. Brainstorm some synonyms and connect them with the Boolean operator OR:

  • smoking OR tobacco OR “pipe smoking”, etc. 
  • Specific communities? (ex. minority, African-American, immigrants, low-income, children, etc.)
  • Look up ‘smoking’ in MeSH.

3. Your final search strategy could look like:

  • smoking AND (youth OR teens OR teenagers) AND minority NOT Canada


A brief video tutorial on how Boolean operators work.



Searching techniques to limit or expand your results






Find all the words

Find any of the words

Find documents which have the first word, but not the second word

internet AND education

internet OR intranet

internet NOT html




Search for an exact phrase by using quotes around the phrase

 "environmental health"

Truncation *

Find all forms of a word - the asterisk *is used as a right-handed truncation character only.

Searching for econom* will find "economy", "economics", "economical", etc.

Wildcard ?

Replace any single character, either inside the word or the right end of the word. ? cannot be used to begin a word.  

Searching for wom?will find "woman" and "women."


It is important to realize that if you search a database with a certain word or phrase and you don't retrieve results to your liking, it doesn't mean that there are no other articles in that database on your topic. It may mean that you need to try other related words in your search, such as synonyms. For example, try automobile or auto instead of car.

Magazines & Newspapers                                          


  • Written for a general audience
  • Typically what you would see in a bookstore or on a magazine stand
  • Intended to inform and/or entertain
  • Popular journals do not undergo 'peer-review' process
  • Can be found in many of the article databases to which the University of Maryland subscribes
  • Examples: TimeSports IllustratedScientific American, etc. 

Scholarly Journals 

  • Written by/for experts in a given field
  • Usually these are available through academic libraries or anywhere there is a need for the highly specialized information contained within these publications
  • Intended to inform
  • Undergo 'peer-review' process prior to publication (see below)
  • To focus on these resources when searching UM article databases, be sure to limit your search to 'scholarly' or 'peer-reviewed' literature
  • Examples: American Journal of Public HealthGenetic Epidemiology,Family and Community Health, etc.
  • Overview, broader in scope
  • Can be out-of-date, so be sure to check the publication date
Open web
  • Large variety in terms of quality
  • As opposed to subscription-based internet resources such as article databases and e-journals that the UMCP libraries subscribe to.


Criteria for evaluating resources:

  • Accuracy
    • How does this resource match up with others you've seen? 
    • Do the results seem plausible? 
  • Authority
    • Who created it? 
    • What are the qualifications of the creator?
    • Where is the information hosted? (see Web Domains below)
  • Content
    • Is this written in a ‘professional’ manner?  
    • Is it sloppy? 
    • What kind of evidence does the creator use to support what they are saying?
  • Purpose
    • Is this written in an objective, detached way? 
    • Is this someone’s personal opinion? 
    • Who is the intended audience?
  • Timeliness
    • When was this produced?
    • If a website, when was this updated last? 
    • How old are the works that are foot-noted/cited?

Some examples:

Web Domains

Anyone can create a Web site. It is important to find out who is the author and what are the author's qualifications or expertise in order to determine the credibility and reliability of the information.

.com Produced by a commercial enterprise, trying to sell something or funded by advertisers
.edu From an educational institution (college, high school, museum)
.net Network of computers
.mil A military site
.gov Produced by the government
.org Produced by a nonprofit organization
.uk, .cn, .us, etc. A country-sponsored site A web site from the state of Maryland

If you have a problem accessing a database or accessing an e-journal, complete this formBe sure to include:

  • As complete a description of the problem as you can give
  • Any error messages you received
  • Which page or link you were trying to use when the issue occurred

The form is found at:

Please note: Your contact information will be required on the form, so that the UM Libraries Division which is working on the problem will be able to contact you about resolution of the problem.

Education Databases and Journals

Database Finder and Journal Finder are your portals to research databases and electronic journals.

Databases are subscription resources that bring articles from a variety of magazines and/or journals into one place with a sophisticated search engine.  Many of the databases allow you to read the entire article online. Consult Database Finder for the full list of available subject databases. Remember also that with EBSCOhost and ProQuest, you can choose from a list of databases and search all of them at once.

Citation Finder is an additional resource to help find specific articles.

The UM Libraries subscribe to over 300 databases!!!  The ones listed here are most useful education databases where you'll be able to find information on your topics. See the Supplemental Databases tab for a fuller list of related subject databases.

Database Finder and Journal Finder are your portals to research databases and electronic journals.

Databases are subscription resources that bring articles from a variety of magazines and/or journals into one place with a sophisticated search engine.  Many of the databases allow you to read the entire article online. Consult Database Finder for the full list of available subject databases. Remember also that with EBSCOhost and ProQuest, you can choose from a list of databases and search all of them at onceSome databases focused on other social science subjects will still have information relevant to education, e.g. a criminal justice database may have valuable articles on the school to prison pipeline. 

Citation Finder is an additional resource to help find specific articles.

The UMD Libraries subscribe to over 300 databases!!!  The ones listed here are additional great resources.

Resources for Science/Math Teachers

Open Access Journals

In contrast to the databases and journals that the UMD libraries subscribe to, there are many academic journals who offer the full text of all or some articles for free. This pages has a few key open access journals in education. For a more comprehensive directory of open access journals visit the Directory of Open Access Journals, which provides free, full text and scholarly journals.

Sources on Middle/High School Education

Database Finder and Journal Finder are your portals to research databases and electronic journals. Consult Database Finder for the full list of available subject databases.

Citation Finder is an additional resource to help find specific articles

Databases are subscription resources that bring articles from a variety of magazines and/or journals into one place with a sophisticated search engine.  Many of the databases allow you to read the entire article online. The UMD Libraries subscribe to over 300 databases!!!  The ones listed on this page are excellent for middle and high school resources.

Research Guides for Specific Subject

Education in the News

Newspapers serve as important primary sources, providing opinions, summaries, and details regarding changes in education and education policy. UMD provides students with access to a number of newspaper archives that cover topics including No Child Left Behind, bilingual education, disability services in schools, integration/bussing, TESOL in the US and abroad, and many more. Below is a list of contemporary newspapers covering issues of education, plus tools for comparing different opinions on those issues. For tips on finding even more newspapers through the NexisUni database, check out the tutorial in the Historical Newspapers tab.

How to Search Only News Sources with NexisUni

NexisUni is a fantastic research tool that lets you search a huge body of documents including news, legislation, and many other materials dealing with legal processes. If you are specifically searching for news sources, you have the option to filter NexisUni's results by type of document. You do this by visiting NexisUni, and selecting the News option before you search.

You can find many more tutorials on Nexis Uni below:

Historical Educational News

Historical newspapers also serve as important primary sources, providing opinions, summaries, and details regarding changes in education and education policy from the time those changes were made. UMD provides students with access to a number of newspaper archives that cover topics including No Child Left Behind, bilingual education, disability services in schools, integration/bussing, TESOL in the US and abroad, and many more.

Find all pre-1990 newspapers accessible through UMD's Database Finder right here

Education and the Law

Education research often involves legal and governmental documents, including Supreme Court cases like Brown v. Board of Education, educational policy decisions like No Child Left Behind, congressional debates over public school curricula, and more. UMD students are provided access to many databases that house legislation, court rulings, and other governmental documents.

For a handy overview of how to do legal research, please see the Legal Research guide provided by Celina McDonald, subject specialist in Law for the UMD libraries.

Video Resources for Education

Some databases provide access to film or other media rather than articles. The videos in the databases listed below include documentaries on education, primary sources (film taken in a classroom setting), and more.