There are many databases you can use that provide access to journal articles, book chapters, book reviews, conference proceedings, dissertations, and other types of publications related to terrorism. Start with the following databases and if you do not find what you need please email Judy.
Databases from the same vendor/publisher may be searched together to weed out duplicate materials. See the tab: Searching Multiple Databases.
For example, the following databases are all Ebscohost databases and can be searched together.
Everyone can use these databases - they are multidisciplinary
Academic Search Ultimate
MasterFILE Premier
Add other databases - such as:
America: History and Life with Full-Text
Historical Abstracts Full Text
International Political Science Abstracts
Military and Government Collection
Middle Eastern & Central Asian Studies
Business Source Complete
Once in one database, click on - choose databases (upper right) to add more databases to your search.
The following databases are Proquest databases and can be searched together.
PAIS Index
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts
Dissertations and Theses Global
Ethnic Newswatch
Once in one database, click on - change databases (top) to add more databases.
Multi-disciplinary database providing information for nearly every area of academic study. Includes an enormous collection of the most valuable peer-reviewed full text journals, as well as additional journals, magazines, newspapers and books. Multidisciplinary subjects including: social sciences, humanities, education, computer sciences, engineering, physics, chemistry, language & linguistics, arts & literature, medicine, ethnic studies. 1965- present.
Nexis Uni (formerly LexisNexis Academic) provides fulltext to news, business and legal information. Newspapers date back to the 1970's. Please Note: The Washington Post is no longer included in Nexis Uni.The National Newspapers Core database includes the Washington Post.