When searching for newspaper and magazine articles online, you may hit a paywall that prevents you from accessing the full text of the article. If that happens, check to see if UMD has access to the publication through its subscriptions.
In addition to searching the wide web for popular sources, you can also search in UMD's databases. We have entire databases dedicated to current and historical newspapers, as well as databases that include opinion pieces.
Note: not all popular sources are created equal. Some are fact-based (like news articles) and others are opinion-based (like personal blog-posts). Both types of sources can be helpful, but in different ways.
Nexis Uni (formerly LexisNexis Academic) provides fulltext to news, business and legal information. Newspapers date back to the 1970's. Please Note: The Washington Post is no longer included in Nexis Uni.The National Newspapers Core database includes the Washington Post.