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News in Nexis Uni

Nexis Uni includes full-text news articles from major U.S. and world publications dating back to 1980. You'll find content from newspapers, online news outlets, magazines, newsletters, blogs, transcripts, newswires, and press releases.

What's not in Nexis Uni?

  • The Wall Street Journal. Find it in ProQuest Recent Newspapers or Factiva.
  • The Washington Post. Find it in ProQuest Recent Newspapers.
  • Newspapers from before the 1970s-'80s. Find them in our historical newspapers databases.
  • The majority of images, photos, graphs, and tables published in the print and web editions. Nexis Uni content is generally text only, with a few exceptions. Check the end of an article for a caption or other description of the graphics that were originally included, and then locate the article in another library database or online.

News Tutorials

Once you're familiar with how to search in Nexis Uni, explore additional tips for finding news content: