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Research Guides
Project Management
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Project Management
Designed by and for engineers and other technical professionals to learn the skills, knowledge, tools and techniques to be effective managers
Engineering Periodicals
Building design & construction. 1970-
Architecture Periodical Stacks TH1 .M27
Building research and information. 1991-
Off-Site Shelving CALL NUMBER: TH1.B81
Building official and code administrator. 1970-
Architecture Periodical Stacks TH439.B63
Civil engineering. 1982-
EPSL Periodical Stacks TA1.C452
Industrial Management & Data Systems. 1980-
McKeldin Periodical Stacks HD28 .I441
Journal of computing in civil engineering. 1987-
EPSL Periodical Stacks TA345.J62
Journal of construction engineering and management. 1983-
EPSL Periodical Stacks TH1.A5
Journal of construction research 2000-
Journal of management in engineering. 1985-
EPSL Periodical Stacks TA190.J61
Journal of urban planning and development. 1983-
EPSL Periodical Stacks NA9000.A5751
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. 1992-
EPSL Periodical Stacks TA1.I56
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
EPSL Periodical Stacks TA1.A5
Business Periodicals
Business Week. 1929- HOLDINGS: 1930-1976 McKeldin Periodical Stacks HF5001 .B89
McKeldin Periodical Stacks HF5001 .B89
Cost Engineering. 1985-
McKeldin Periodical Stacks TA183 .C67
Forbes. 1919-
McKeldin Periodical Stacks HF5001 .F6
Fortune. 1930-
McKeldin Periodical Stacks HF5001 .F7
Harvard business review 1922-
McKeldin Periodical Stacks HF5001 .H3
The PM net work. 1987-
EPSL Current Periodicals No call number
Project Management Journal. 1984-
EPSL Periodical Stacks HD69.P75 P761
Project Management Quarterly. 1980-1983
EPSL Periodical Stacks HD69.P75 P76
Project Manager Today WEBSITE