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Hearing and Speech Sciences

A guide to print and electronic sources in the field of Hearing and Speech Sciences.


This is a guide to print and electronic reference sources in the field of Hearing and Speech Sciences. The emphasis is on material available in the University of Maryland Libraries' collections, but some Internet sources are also included.

Contact the subject librarian, Nedelina Tchangalova, for more information on the sources suggested within this Guide.

Library Website

For more information about the University Libraries, visit our website:

My Account

Use My Account to check your due dates and renew materials.

Also use My Account to make sure the Libraries have your current Contact Information.

UM Libraries - Locations and Hours

There are eight libraries in the University of Maryland system. Seven are at College Park, and one is at the Shady Grove Campus near Rockville.

Using Your Laptop in the Libraries

Get instructions for connecting to the campus wireless network, and for printing wirelessly to library printers.

For questions about wireless connections, contact DIT.

Off-Campus Access to Library Resources

Most databases, reference works, and e-journals are restricted to current students, faculty, and staff at the University of Maryland.

In order to access databases and online journals remotely, use Database Finder. If prompted to select a campus, select the option for University of Maryland, College Park and then "Students, Faculty, and Staff". Then log in with your Directory ID, the same username you use for email and other campus services.