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Federal Legislation

This guide covers the legislative process as well as a selective list of reference tools for finding legislative materials in print and on the Web.

Legislative Histories

"Legislative histories cite congressional publications and daily Congressional Record debate associated with each public law. Referenced publications may include congressional reports, hearings, documents, and/or prints. A legislative history compilation enables researchers to trace the development of a law from its earliest consideration to its signing by the President." (LN Congressional)

In addition, legislative histories may be found in books. See the section titled: Legislative Histories: Books

Legislative Histories: Books

Use the Catalog (Worldcat) to locate books providing legislative histories.

Conduct  a search using keywords and add legislative histor*  to your keywords/name of act...

Using histor*  will retrieve both legislative history or legislative histories.

voting rights act legislative histor*

pollution  legislative histor*

americans with disabilities act legislative histor*