The vast majority of architecture-related articles can be found in the Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, a database that offers a comprehensive listing of journal articles on architecture and design, as well as call numbers through which to find the articles at UMD. If the physical collections are not accessible, scanned copies can be requested through your ILL services account.
To find a specific journal title, search the title (e.g. "The Architectural Review") in WorldCatUMD. Most often the first result is the desired journal. If there is online access through UMD's databases, it will be linked under the "check availability" tab. If the title is not appearing in the results, filter the results by selecting "journal" under "format" in the "refine your search" ribbon on the left-hand side of the page.
The holdings at the Architecture Library may also be viewed by searching journal titles in the Classic Catalog.
JSTOR and Academic Search Ultimate are two other databases with architectural history content.
A full list of titles held at the Architecture Library - as well as their dates, call numbers, and online access links - can be found here.