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GVPT 200: International Political Relations

Resources for GVPT 200

National Newspapers Core

Once in the database, the first step is to click on Advanced Search

National Newspapers Advanced search

This is a full text database like Nexis Uni, so:
1. place phrases in quotes
"middle east"

2.  limit the number of words between by using N/#
"united states" N/5 russia N/5 "new start" = there can  only be 5 words between

As with Nexis Uni, there are many ways to search. Although National Newspapers does not have a hlead search, you can limit the search to:
Anywhere except full text

If you want to add other databases, such as Ethnic Newswatch, click on Databases and scroll down and add Ethnic Newswatch and click on - use selected databases.

National Newspapers Add Databases


Scroll down the list to Ethnic Newswatch - click the box and then click on   - use selected databases
National Newspapers adding Ethnic Newswatch