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ENSP 400: Capstone in Environmental Science and Policy

Research guide for ENSP 400: Capstone in Environmental Science and Policy

CCAN Offshore Wind

Offshore WInd Ocean

Photo by Nicholas Doherty on Unsplash


To conduct a review and analysis of barriers to the deployment of offshore wind energy to inform CCAN’s efforts to promote wind energy policy in the 2023 Maryland General Assembly session. These efforts will further the goal set forth in the Climate Solutions Now Act, which became law in 2022, to reduce greenhouse gases by 60% by 2031 and to become net-zero by 2045 in the state of Maryland.

Problems to be Solved
While there is wide support for offshore wind in Maryland, concerns have been raised about barriers to the deployment of offshore wind, including potential ratepayer impacts and transmission connection issues.  CCAN supports these offshore wind projects and is seeking research on these issues to prepare for the 2023 Maryland General Assembly session. 

Questions to Answer

  • What are the barriers associated with the policy process itself for the deployment of offshore wind?

  • What are the impacts of offshore wind development on ratepayers? 

    • Are there any specific barriers related to life cycle costs or taller turbines?

  • What transmission connection impacts are associated with offshore wind? 

    • Are there impacts on ratepayers that are specific to transmission costs related to offshore wind development? 

  • What are some of the additional barriers to deployment of offshore wind such as opposition due to perceived impacts of tourism or real estate values? Fisheries, protected species, etc.? 

  • What are some of the potential solutions/counterarguments to these barriers? 

    • What have other states done to address these barriers? 

    • How do the Inflation Reduction Act’s provisions related to offshore wind development address these barriers? What incentives are provided in the law?

The sources listed below are from your assignment page.

Please note, this source on your assignment page:
Study Finds Offshore Wind Could Drive Down Energy Costs in New England, NC State University
new analysis led by North Carolina State University researchers found offshore wind power could help lower wholesale electricity prices on average for six states in New England, with relatively low risk of wind turbines failing during extreme winter storms.

If the link does not lead you to the full journal article, you can use this url:

Or google the title of the article and use the reload button

Kerem Ziya Akdemir, Jordan D. Kern, Jonathan Lamontagne,
Assessing risks for New England's wholesale electricity market from wind power losses during extreme winter storms,
Energy, Volume 251, 2022, 123886,




First off:

It is so important to follow up on references you find in relevant documents. And for journal articles, in addition to using the references, be sure to look forward and go to google scholar to see who has cited the article. See the tab: Citation Chasing.

For example, the article noted on your assignment page - Assessing risks for New England's wholesale electricity market from wind power losses during extreme winter storms (the one referenced from the Study Finds Offshore Wind...) was written in 2022. It has already been cited twice.

Using Citation Chasing is such a great way to build your bibliography!


There are many databases you can use to find scholarly journal articles and other types of documents.

Some of the databases are part of Ebsco, others are individual ones.

For the Ebsco databases, to remove duplicate titles, search the Ebsco databases together. See the tab: Searching Multiple Databases for instructions on how to search multiple databases.

Suggested Ebsco Databases:
Academic Search Ultimate
Business Source Complete
eBook Collection (there are several you can add)
Military and Government Collection
Regional Business News

Other Databases:
Web of Science
PAIS - especially for policy
World Scientific eBooks (also has journal articles and book chapters)
Congressional Publications (topic pages, CRS reports, Hearings, House and Senate Reports...)

Some suggested strategies:
"offshore wind"  (quotes will search for the phrase)

then add any other words such as:
policy or policies
ratepayer*   (the asterisk will retrieve plurals so this will retrieve ratepayer or ratepayers

(cost* or expense) and transmission

so your searches would look like this:
"offshore wind"
policy or policies


"offshore wind"
cost* or expense*
Take keywords from your assignment page and the Questions to Answer.

Use WorldCat. Just searching "offshore wind" provides many ebooks. Limit by year for the most current.

Homepage WorldCat Highlighted


google using the document type limits: site:gov; site:org

"offshore wind" site:gov
"offshore wind" site:org

Using those search strategies, some results: