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ENSP 330: Introduction to Environmental law

research guide for ENSP 330


When looking for cases, it is best to search by the citation because you go directly to the case.

Environmental imageIf you have the citation for the case, enter it in the big space labeled Search:

883 F.3d 1173

Searching by case name, usually retrieves many more results which will not be relevant. In addition, how the words are entered (with or without quotes, for example) will change the results.




Getting Documents:  You can download, print, email, send to Dropbox 
Look for the symbols at the top of the results page
Nexis Uni Print Mail...


Search strategies similar to the strategies for locating news and law reviews:
and / or
/p = words have to be within the same paragraph
/s = within the same sentence 

limit words appearing in specific sections:
opinion(nepa /s "connected actions")

Did the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) properly comply with NEPA when it approved the Evangeline Pass Project without considering connected actions and upstream and downstream impacts?
Possible search strategy:
nepa /s "connected actions"
nepa /p "connected actions"

If there were too any results -add additional keywords or search within

Nexis Uni Case NEPA "connected actions"


Once in a case, also check out the Treatment and Other Citing Sources on the right
ENSP Nexis Uni Case Result nepa and "connected actions"

Google Scholar - click on Case law / choose Federal and then add the courts, or wait and choose Federal once in results

Googel Schoalr Case Law Traceability and Article III and Exxon

key word/s
 use quotes
limit results by date


Does the test for traceability set forth by the Fifth Circuit panel in Exxon Texas Lobby v ExxonMobil meet the requirements of Article III?

possible search:
traceability "article III" exxon


Google Scholar Case Law Traceability Article III Exxon Results






Climate Case Chart is a website run by Columbia University and clearly describes cases and claims. Federal, state, and constitutional claims related to climate are all considered. 

an image of climate cases from the Columbia University Website