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SPAN 407- Early Modern US and Early Modern Spain: A Common History

This guide is intended for students in SPAN 407 course with Prof. Carmen Benito-Vessels. It includes resources for locating books and journal articles, and other materials, through the UMD Libraries. Email the subject specialist for more information.

Advanced Search

Boolean, Wildcards, and Related Subject Searches

Use the OR boolean operator, in upper case, to include alternate spellings, synonyms. or related terms; enclose the terms within parentheses (); this technique CANNOT be used in the first box, but CAN be used in the second or subsequent boxes.

The asterisk (*) is the truncation symbol. (e.g., cartograph* matches cartography, cartographers, cartographic, etc.)

You can use the drop down menus to change the index labels.  In this example in the second box, "title" was changed to "keyword".

You can add additional rows to your search.

Boolean, Wildcards, and Subject Searches

Once you find a book on your topic use the "Subjects" that appear in the "Description" of the record to find additional resources on your topic.