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PLCY 100: Foundations of Public Policy (M Apolonia Calderon Cervantes)

Guide to PLCY 100 Calderon Cervanates

Law Review Articles

Law review articles are the equivalent of scholarly, academic journals for the law.
The articles are generally very long and research-intensive and will provide many footnotes and references to other articles, cases, laws...
Notice information about the author - professor / researcher / student. Be sure to look at the database help screens / search tips

Since the databases for law reviews provide the fulltext, you might need to try different search strategies to retrieve more relevant articles and bring the words closer together.
Example limits:
Limit word/s to the title
Use proximity searching, see the HeinOnline and Nexis Uni tabs for details



Search strategies - similar to news
Topic: Is the public trust doctrine a viable legal theory for addressing the harms associated with climate change? 
"public trust doctrine" /s "climate change" 
"public trust doctrine" /p "climate change" 

Narrow / refine the search:
limit by date
Search within: "legal theory"
Add additional keywords
Once in a document, you can use Search Terms or  ctrl-F or click on the All Terms to see how many times and where the terms appear







Search strategies:
AND / OR need to be capitalized

Only the first box defaults to search the Text
Change the other boxes search field from Title to Text

To get the words closer together:
change the Connecor from AND to:
within 5
within 10
within 25

OR in the search box use:
w/s or /s = same sentence
w/p or /p  = same paragraph

Does climate change qualify as an “emergency” under the National Emergencies Act?

 "national emergencies act" within 5
"climate change"

"national emergencies act" /s "climate change"

Refine the results
section types: articles / legislation / cases... 

HeinOnline JOurnal Database National Emergencies Act Within 25 words Climate CHange Search