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Terps for Change - Leaders

Guide to resources for Terps for Change Leaders for facilitating the dialogue explore your site’s social issue focus

Google Search Tips

Limit the document type by use
site:gov = all levels of gvpt - federal/state/local ad gvpt sponsored research
site:org = organizations / associations
site:edu = educational institutions

.com Produced by a commercial enterprise, trying to sell something or funded by advertisers
.edu From an educational institution (college, high school, museum)
.net Network of computers
.mil A military site
.gov Produced by the government
.org Produced by a nonprofit organization
.uk, .cn, .us, etc. A country-sponsored site A web site from the state of Maryland


social inequality statistics site:org
social inequality statistics site:gov
social inequality data site:org
socioeconomic inequality  site:org
"education inequality" site:org
ageism employment site:org
"food insecurity" site:gov
"environmental justice" site:org