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GVPT 359N: Topics in Comparative Politics; Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict

Resources for GVPT 459N

Search Strategies / Journal Articles - Databases

Always think about different ways to say the same thing.  Start with keywords to describe your topic, within results, read the abstract and look at the subject headings to identify additional keywords to use and revise the search (if needed).
Retrieve too many results? Limit to scholarly articles, limit words to the subject

Search Strategies: 
Start with keywords (place phrases in quotes), use connectors (or / and) and look for the subject headings specific to each database.

Place quotes around a phrase. 

Using quotations marks means that the database will search for the entire phrase, not the individual words.

"Black Panther Movement"
"Ku Klux Klan"
"Algerian National Liberation Front"
"Scottish National Party"
"Chechen separatists"
"national identity"
"Tamil Tigers"
"civil war"


Use the * for truncation
When you put an asterisk at the end of a search term it searches for words with any possible ending.

war* = war or wars or warfare
cause* = cause or causes
conflict* = conflict or conflicts
separatist* = separatist or separatists
group* = group or groups
origin* = origin or origins
beginning* = beginning or beginnings
goal* = goal or goals
characteristic* = characteristic or characteristics

use - or - to connect synonyms

Graphic showing the boolean connector OR using a venn diagram

"Ku Klux Klan" or KKK or "white nationalism"
"Algerian National Liberation Front" or LFN
history or origin* or beginning*

use - and - to connect concepts

Graphic showing the boolean connector AND using a venn diagram

Kurds and Turkey
"Black Panther Movement" and (history or origin* or beginning*)
Chechen and separatists
"Tamil Tigers" and "civil war"
("Croatian nationalists" or Ustaše or HDZ) and (origin* or history or ideology)

Other keywords to use:




Databases provide access to scholarly journal articles, popular magazines, newspapers....
Access the databases from this guide or from the Database Finder page and search by specific database name or browse by subject. 

There are two main databases everyone can use 
Academic Search Ultimate  (multidisciplinary)
International Political Science Abstracts (unfortunately, there are a limited number of users at one time)

Add other databases depending on the national group and country.
America. History and Life with Full-Text (for United States and Canada)
Historical Abstracts with Full-Text (for any place outside of the United States and Canada)
Index Islamicus
​American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies
Bibliography of Asian Studies
Index to Jewish Periodicals
Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies
Military and Government Collection
Race Relations Abstracts

All of these are databases are within the EbscoHost platform, so you can search them together by getting into one database, clicking on - choose databases - and adding them. When you search them together you remove the duplicates. Save yourself time, do not search the databases individually.


Depending on the national group or movement and the number of results retrieved, will determine whether you need to add additional keywords and/or change the search field.

The search field defaults to - Select a Field which is just a keyword search.
Example: "Vlaams Belang"
Databases = Academic Search Ultimate, Historical Abstracts, International Political Science Abstracts



Example: "Irish Republican Army"
Databases = Academic Search Ultimate, Historical Abstracts, International Political Science Abstracts
Too many results?
change search field to AB  Abstract 
change search field to SU Subject

add additional word/s
origin* or beginning* or history



There are two main databases within Proquest that will be useful for your topics. Similar to Ebsco, get into one database first and then add the other by clicking on - change databases.
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts

In addition:
Ethnic Newswatch

Proquest Change Databases


When searching, change the search field from Anywhere to either Abstract - AB or Anywhere except full text - NOFT

Proquest search field changed to Abstract - AB



Example: "tamil tigers" and "self determination"
Databases: PAIS, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, Ethnic Newswatch
Change search field to: Anywhere but fulltext - NOFT


Example: ("Croatian nationalists"  or Ustaše or HDZ ) and (origin or ideology or history)
Databases: PAIS, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, Ethnic Newswatch
Change search field to: Anywhere but fulltext - NOFT


Sometimes you will not see a link to the fulltext but will see:

Make sure you click on the link, it is possible we will have the article in fulltext or it might be in print or we might not own the item (then you could request it via Interlibrary Loan (if you have the time, it will take a few days to get a scanned copy)

Ebsco Search No Full Text The Chechen Conflict

Results from the Find@UMD - in this case we have the fulltext
Ebsco Search No Full Text The Chechen Conflict Result

Another example

Ebsco No Full Text Islamic Identity

Results from the Find@UMD - in this case we do not have the fulltext, request vis Interlibrary Loan
Ebsco No Full Text Islamic Idenity Results