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GVPT 203: The Challenge of Authoritarianism

Guide for GVPT 203

Databases - Journal Articles /Search Strategies

Databases provide access to scholarly journal articles, popular magazines, newspapers....
Access the databases from this guide or from the Libraries homepage and click on the Databases tab and type in the name of the database. 

For your assignment, the Academic Search Ultimate database (Ebsco) and the Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (Proquest) seem to provide relevant results, so everyone should try and use both of those.
They cannot be searched together, you will need to search one and then search the other.

 But, if you do not find enough or the results are not relevant, then add additional databases.
For Ebsco, add to the Academic Search Ultimate database:
There are many other databases to add, just depends on the number of results you first get and also the country and the issue you are researching.
Some possible additional databases:
America. History and Life
Historical Abstracts
International Political Science Abstracts (there are a limited number of users - you might get the message that the database is not available - you will need to try again later)
Military and Government Collection

and then, depending on what specific country and issue you are considering you would also add: 
American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies
Bibliography of Asian Studies
​Business Source Complete
​Education Source
Index Islamicus
​Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies

You do not want to search the databases individually, you will have too many duplicate sources.

Always search databases together to remove duplicate sources.
You have to get into one database first and then add the others.

For Proquest, maybe add to Worldwide Political Science Abstracts:

Since you will already be in Academic Search Ultimate, click on - choose databases - and add the others.
Since you will already be in Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, click on - change databases - and add

See the tab labeled: Searching Multiple Databases


Searching is trial and error. Try and think of different ways to say the same thing.  Start with keywords to describe your topic, within results, read the abstract and look at the subject headings to identify additional keywords to use and revise the search (if needed).

Search Strategies: 
Start with keywords (place phrases in quotes), use connectors (or / and) and look for the subject headings specific to each database.

Place quotes around a phrase. 

Using quotations marks means that the database will search for the entire phrase, not the individual words.

"Democratic Republic of Congo"
"armed forces"
"international influence"


Use the * for truncation
When you put an asterisk at the end of a search term it searches for words with any possible ending.

authorit* = authority or authoritarian or authoritative or authoritarianism 
econom* = economy or economics or economies
partnership* = partnership or partnerships
cause* = cause or causes

use - or - to connect synonyms

Graphic showing the boolean connector OR using a venn diagram

policy or policies
influence or impact or consequence*
military or "armed forces"
culture or cultural or ethnicity or identity or values

use - and - to connect concepts

Graphic showing the boolean connector AND using a venn diagram

syria and authorit* and econom*
chad and authorit* and (military or "armed forces")



investigating whether the economy has any influence on the authoritarianism government of Saudi Arabia 

Academic Search Ultimate,
 International Political Science Abstracts, Business Source Complete, EconLit, Middle Eastern & Central Asian Studies, Military & Government Collection

strategy =
authorit* and govern* and  "saudi arabia" and econom*

Ebsco Search Saudi Arabia Authoritarianism

Ways to filter / limit your Results
Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals or Academic Journals

Re-do the search and change search field from - Select a Field - to AB Abstract

Best Practice:
Click on a title, read the abstract before going to get the fulltext. Why?
1. Make sure the article is relevant 
2. Might be additional keywords to add to your search


Find the fulltext by clicking on the pdf or html link.




Ebsco Search Saudi Arabia Authority Results










There are two main databases within Proquest that will be useful for your topics. Similar to Ebsco, get into one database first and then add the other by clicking on - change databases.
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts

When searching, if you retrieve too many results and they do not seem to be relevant, try changing  the search field from Anywhere
to either
Abstract - AB
Anywhere except full text - NOFT

Can limit to peer-reviewed from the start

 govern* and  "saudi arabia" and econom*

Worldwide Political Science Abstracts Saudi Arabia Search

Sometimes you will not see a link to the fulltext but will see:

Make sure you click on the link, it is possible we will have the article in fulltext or it might be in print or we might not own the item (then you could request it via Interlibrary Loan (if you have the time, it will take a few days to get a scanned copy)

Ebsco Search Saudi Arabia Authority No Full Text

Results from the Find@UMD
Ebsco Search Saudi Arabia Authority No Full Text use ILL


Ebsco Search Saudi Arabia Authority No Full Text Print Only use ILL