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English Guide for the Major

Library research guide for English 301: This is English: Fields and Methods

Getting Started with Primary Sources

Primary sources are usually defined as first hand information or data that is generated by witnesses or participants in past events. Primary sources are characterized not by their format but rather by the information they convey and their relationship to the research question. The interpretation and evaluation of these sources becomes the basis for other research. Click on the link below to get started understanding and identifying primary sources for your topic.

The Research Using Primary Source guide was developed by the University of Maryland Libraries' Special Collections.

Streaming Video

Primary Source Databases

The following are large primary source databases which offer access to full-text books, pamphlets, newspapers and periodicals for the early modern period through the 20th century.   The focus is on English language materials published in the United States and Great Britain.

Guide to British and US Primary Sources

This guide offers a very comprehensive list of resources that will help you find primary source material available electronically, on microform, and in the Special Collections at the University of Maryland Libraries.