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Using RIPM

A guide for using the primary database of 19th & 20th century periodicals on music.

Basic Search

On the RIPM homepage, click on "Retrospective Index & Online Archive." You will then go to a page that looks like this:

The basic search page.

This is the simple search that allows you to search by keyword(s) and language.

Advanced Search

Next, we are going to do an advanced search for any articles in English that Berlioz wrote with the keyword opera:

The advanced search page.

Below are the results:

The results of an advanced search.

Only the articles marked with "ROA" have full-text available. You can narrow down your results to full-text only by selecting ROA at the very bottom left of the page, between "Marked" and "Citations." Here are the results after doing so:

ROA only results of an advanced search.